Hello! My name is Pooja Ramnaney and I'm an engineering undergraduate persuing B.Tech in Information Technology from Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University for Women(IGDTUW), Delhi.
My interest lies in Web Development, Artificial Intelligence and Data Structures.
I have experience in building projects as I have won 3 hackathons
INGRID is an Online 3D rental platform in which users can view the property using AR which would be time efficient and convenient for the user.
3D rental system using augmented reality (AR) could revolutionize the way we rent and use physical objects. Ingrid is a unique idea as traditionally, renting an object usually involves physically going to a store or
showroom, selecting the item, and then either taking it home or having it delivered. With a 3D rental system using AR, the process could be streamlined and made much more convenient for both the renter and the owner.
Built a tool with the help of Python, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Flask
AVSAR is an interviewer Voice bot which would help the candidates face their fear and improve their answers
Helps the candidates face their fear and improve their answers. It is also able to access your video and tell the candidates’ confidence level.
If you've any questions, please feel free to drop me a line. If you don't get an answer immediately, I might just be travelling through the middle of nowhere. I'll get back to you as soon as I can!